I intentionally went out to my wildflower garden to check on this spider who has made her home in my agastache.
When I went to look for her she wasn’t there! I was so sad because I check in on her regularly to see how she is doing. About 6’ away, I noticed some movement out of the corner of my eye and saw her! She grew so much since I saw her last.

Relieved, I went over to say “hello”.
I didn’t want to disturb her too much as she had caught a yummy, juicy, grasshopper for lunch.
While I stood watching, I asked her if she needed anything in the garden to make it more friendly for her and she said that she was quite happy.
I then asked if she wanted to share anything with you...
Her reply and message…
“Be kind to those whom you don’t understand. We create balance and harmony in the ecosystem. It’s us little guys that will keep the world in peace and harmony and from destruction. Do not be frightened, we mean no harm. We merely wish to live in harmony with the world. Watch us with admiration, befriend us if you so choose. Much can be learned from merely observing quietly. We have much to offer.”